Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Prophet Ibrahim (as) Board Game Questions
We created these questions to play a board game, "Ibrahim (As) challenge." We used the Qur'an challenge board, but you could use any similar board where players can more forward by steps towards the end. We printed the questions on card stock to create game cards.
Who was Ibrahim (As)'s first wife?
Ismail was the son of Ibrahim (as) and who?
How as the Prophet Lut (as) related to Ibrahim (as)?
How are Ismail and Ishaq related?
Why did Ibrahim's people throw him into the fire?
Allah most high called Ibrahim KhalilAllah. What does this mean in English?
Allah describe Ibrahim as Hanif. What does that mean?
Muslims should remember Ibrahim specifically every time they do these two pillars of Islam.
Who were the honored guest of Ibrahim? Move two spaces if you know their names.
Sarah and Ibrahim (as) had different reactions when the angels told them that they were going to destroy the people of Lut. Move one space for each reaction that you correctly describe.
Ibrahim was one of the five ul-l-‘azm (greatest messengers). Name atleast three of the others.
Allah instructed Ibrahim (as) to kill, cut up and mix the parts of which kind of animal? Move an extra space if you can explain why.
Name at least four prophets who descended from Ibrahim (as). Move an extra space if you can list a fifth.
What part of the world did Ibrahim live in first?
Name atleast three areas in the world where Ibrahim (as) lived or traveled to.
How did Ibrahim (as) father react when Ibrahim tried to call him to Islam?
Where were Ibrahim (As)’s people when he broke their idols?
When the people asked Ibrahim (as) if he broke their idols, what did he say and why?
Ibrahim’s people used to worship their king. When Ibrahim debated with the king, how did Ibrahim (as) prove that the king was certainly not a god? (hint: he asked the king to do something that only Allah can do)
Ibrahim’s people committed shirk in many ways. They worshiped idols of clay and wood, they worshipped their ruler, and they also worshipped what?
How did Ibrahim (as) explain to his people why worshipping the planets and stars was wrong and silly?
Why Ibrahim (as) went to Egypt with his wife Sarah, the king tried to take Sarah for himself. What happened when he reached out for her.
What gift did the king of Egypt give Sarah?
Which son of Ibrahim (as) was known as zabeehAllah (the sacrifice of Allah)?
Where specifically did Ibrahim (as) leave his wife Hajar and their infant son alone in the desert?
How did Ibrahim (as)’s wife Hajar react when Ibrahim left her alone in the desert?
The Qur’an mentions three times that Ibrahim (as) visited Ismail. What did Ibrahim (as) mean when he left a message of Ismail to change his doorstep.
When Ibrahim (as) was older, he came to Makkah to rebuild the Kabah with his son Ismail. What did he use while he was building that we can still see in the haram of the kabah today?
What do all Muslims do to remember the willingness of Ibrahim (as) to sacrifice Ismail (as)?
Ibrahim (as), the excellent example of hospitality
For this activity, we prepared puff pastries (some with spinach and cheese and some with jam) and then we learned the proper way to serve guests by studying the example of the Prophet Ibrahim (as) as described in the Holy Qur'an.
Hospitality of Ibrahim
1. Verses: 51:24 – 30
2. “the honored guests of Ibrahim” has two meaning – that Ibrahim (as) honored them by his actions and that they were honored Allah swt because of their rank in the angels
3. Ibrahim (as) responded to their greeting with a better one. They said “we greet you with peace” and he said back, “lasting and constant peace be upon you.” How do Muslims today return greetings?
4. Ibrahim (as) hasten to prepare food, then put it in front of them and THEN invited them to eat. If he had asked them if they were hungry before he prepared food, how might the guests feel?
5. Ibrahim (as) did not have to run off to the store even though the guests were unexpected. That means that he was prepared for guests any time
6. He brought forth a fat and roasted calf – which means… he served the food himself, he didn’t have someone else do it. He brought the complete animal so they could pick whatever park they wanted. He choose the best of what he had for the guests (a fat calf) instead of thin animal.
7. He put the food right in front of the guests… so they didn’t have to get up.
8. He said “will you not eat” – inviting them with gently and polite words. Not, “Yallah, food is ready.” He didn’t try to force them to eat – come on, eat up! But the way he highly showed that he strongly wished they would eat.
Do not make guests feel shy by making them ask or making them get up to get the food
Offer the best of what you have
Invite them to eat in gentle and kind words
Hijri Months Game
1. What is the first month of the Hijri Calendar?
2. What is the last month
3. What month is the month in which fasting in obligatory?
4. In what month is Eid ul-fitr in?
5. In what month is Eid ul-adha in?
6. In which month do Muslims make Hajj?
7. Go to one of the four holy month
8. Go to a month that has the Arabic word for spring
9. Go to the month that means “empty”
10. Go to the month when the Prophet (saw) was born
11. Go to the month when the Prophet (Saw) made Hijra
12. Go to the current Hijri month
13. Go to the month in which Muslims are encouraged to do six voluntary days of fasting
14. In which month is the day of Arafat
15. Go to the Hijri month in which you were born
16. In which month are the best ten nights of the year
17. In which month are the best ten days of the year
18. In which month is Laylatul Qadr
19. Which is the first of the three consecutive holy months
20. Which is the last of the three consecutive holy months
21. Touch a month that has the Arabic word for first. There are two choices
22. Touch a month that has the Arabic word for second. There are two choices
23. What is the last month in which Muslims can make up any missed fasts from Ramadan
24. In what month did the Prophet saw receive the first revelation?
25. What month did the Arabs believe to be full of misfortune in the time of Jahiliyah (the time of ignorance before Islam)
Hijri Months By Meaning
Learning the meanings of the Hijri months will help in memorizing the names and order insha'Allah.
1.Muharram: The word "Muharram" means "Forbidden." Even before Islam, this month was always known as a scared month in which all unlawful acts were forbidden, prominently the shedding of blood.
2. Safar: This word means "whistling of the wind". When this name was assigned to this month, it was probably a windy time of the year. As mentioned earlier, most of the months were named according to weather conditions at the time. However, since they are based on the moon, the months shift about 11 days every year. So, the seasons do not necessarily correspond to the name of the month anymore.
3. Rabi al-awwal: First of Spring
4. Rabi ath-thani: Second month of Spring
5. Jumada al-awwal (or Jumada al-ula): First/Beginning of the Dry
6. Jumada ath-thani (or Jumada al-akhir): Second/Last of the Dry
7. Rajab: From Rajaba "to respect". Another one of the sacred months in which fighting was forbidden prior to Islam. This was one of the most respected months for the Arabs. It is also called Rajab al Fard. Fard means alone; because the other three sacred months come one after another, except this month. It comes alone not like the other 3 consecutive sacred months.
8. Sha’ban: Consecutively escalating. (Undisturbed increase). Derived from the word "shu'ba", which means branch. The Arabs used to branch out during this month to look for water.
With the Beginning of Shaban blessings are initiated which progressively escalate so that by mid-Shaban the blessings have reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reach their peak by the end of Ramadan.
9. Ramadan: Derived from "RAMADHA", literally means "intense heat".
1. When the Islamic months were enforced the month of fasting coincided with the summer months of intense heat.
2. The second reason which has been mentioned is that due to fasting the temperature within the stomach increases, again the element of heat is a factor behind the actual naming of RAMADAN.
10. Shawwal: Uplift/breakage, as before Islam, Arabs believed that any marriage held in Shawwal would always turn out to be unsuccessful. Taken from the word "shala" which means "when the female camel gets pregnant". When this name was given, the female camels used to get pregnant during this time of the year.
11. Dhul-Qa’dah: Taken from the word "qa'ada" which means to sit. This is the third sacred month in which fighting was forbidden. The people also used to stop their business activities during this month and sit and prepare for the Hajj (Pilgrimage). This is also a sacred month.
12. Dhul-Hijjah: The month of "Hajj" (Pilgrimage). This is the last sacred month in which fighting was forbidden.
Learn About the Four Sacred Months
The sacred months are Rajab, Dhu’l-Qa’dah, Dhu’l-Hijjah and Muharram. These are what are referred to in the verse (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, the number of months with Allaah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allaah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are Sacred (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months of the Islamic calendar). That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein”
The sacred months are: Rajab, Dhu’l-Qa’dah, Dhu’l-Hijjah and Muharram.
Al-Bukhaari (4662) and Muslim (1679) narrated from Abu Bakrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The year is twelve months, of which four are sacred: three consecutive months, Dhu’l-Qa’dah, Dhu’l-Hijjah and Muharram, and Rajab Mudar which comes between Jumaada and Sha’baan.
These months are called sacred for two reasons:
1- Because fighting therein is forbidden unless initiated by the enemy
2- Because transgression of the sacred limits therein is worse than at other times.
Hence Allaah has forbidden us to commit sins during these months, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“wrong not yourselves therein”
[al-Tawbah 9:36]
Although committing sins is haraam and forbidden during these months and at other times, in these months it is more forbidden.