Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wise Poet - Introduction to Poetry

Assalamu alaykum

Here is one of the club activities that we did today. The other was a really cool ancient math activity.

We are going to start doing monthly writing projects, insha'Allah. The plan is to collect the children's writings and arrange them into a book insha'Allah.

To introduce poetry, we learned the story of Al-Tufayl (ra), one of the companions of the Prophet (as). He was a well-known poet who embraced Islam and made successful daw'ah to his people, the Daws.
Information was taken from the children's book "the Wise Poet" by Khurram Murad.

To learn the story (without reading it straight... because that doesn't work well with our group sometimes), the story was summarized and split into sections. The children's job was to work together to put the sections in the right order by focusing on the story line.

After they put the first half of the story in order, we shared the end of the story - about how Tufayl called his people to Islam. (First in a harsh and unsuccessful way... and then after being advised by the Prophet, as, he successfully called them to Islam with good manners and compassion.)

Once we finished learning his story, we introduced poetry. And as a group, we made our first poem! We wrote Tufayl's name (TUFAYL) vertically and worked together to followed each letter with a phrase that described who he was and what he did.

The writing project for this week is for each child to compose this type of poem using their own first name. We reminded the children about the importance of avoiding self-praise. We encouraged them to write traits that they may aspire to have, or write phrases that describe who they are.

If you missed club today, you can still encourage your child to participate in this project. We will share our poems at the next club day insha'Allah and also collect a copy of each poem so that we can start compiling the book insha'Allah.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Problem sovling with Prophet Dawud (a) and Prophet Sulaiman (as)

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatUllah

This was the fourth game planned for "Harvesting Month Game Day." We actually didn't play it with the kids yet (we are saving it until next week) -- so no one disclose this top secret information with the kids yet!

We wanted to develop a game to encourage the children to think out of the box to solve a real life problem, similar to how the Prophet Yusuf (as) had to solve the problem of the forth coming famine after he interpreted the king's dream.

Through discussion and scaffolding, we hoped to encourage the children to realize a number of things:
- characteristics of good leadership
- hadith that states how leaders will be asked about those under their guardianship
-importance of implementing justice based on the shariah when judging between people
-importance of be compassionate
- not all problems have only one right answer
- great leaders are people who consider all the options and find the best answers, which benefit everyone involved
- leaders should not be arrogant. rather, they should seek help when someone else may know more than they do.

All of these lessons are present in the story related in the Qur'an about a situation that the Prophet Dawud (As) was faced with during his kingship.
The discussion prompts are posted below in the first comment.

jazakAllah khayr

Zakah on Crops Math Problems

assalamu alaykum wa rahmatUllah

This was our second club day this month and we planned an all day game day - with games related atleast somewhat to this month's theme: "Harvesting."

One game was questions related to the Story of Yusuf (as). The kids, who were asked to study the story at home, were divided into teams and competed against each other to answers questions about the story correctly. Hopefully the sister who prepared this game will be able to post those questions to the blog soon insha'Allah.

The second game was Arabic Fruits and Veggies Bingo. The kids really had fun with this one!

The third game that was planned (but we actually decided to save it until next time because the kids were a little too tired to focus...) was a problem solving game. Details will be posted in the following blog insha'Allah.

The fourth game, which is posted here, was a number of math problems related to zakah on crops. Zakah on crops is due at the time of harvest. To solve the problems, the children needed to learn some of the basic rulings of paying zakah on crops. They also needed to:
- learn about the concept of percentages and how to calculate percentages
- use skip counting by tens and fives
- demonstrate knowledge about "greater than" and "less than" to determine whether a farmer owes zakah
- use addition to determine the total weight of each farmer's harvest.

There are two different sets of problems for children at different levels.

I still have a problem cutting and pasting into the blog, so the actual document is pasted below in the first comment. Hope that many of us can benefit insha'Allah

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BismiAllah Placemats

Today we made placemats to help the children remember to always begin eating in the Name of Allah, and remember to thank Allah Most High for the food and drink He provides for us, insha'Allah.

Below is a link that will give you instructions on how to make a woven placemat out of construction paper.

Obviously, the children can select any colors they like instead of the ones mentioned on the link.

We printed "Bismillah" in Arabic and "Alhamdulillah" on card stock and let the kids glue these words on their placemats once they have finished the woven pattern.
You can also add reminders about proper manners for eating on the mat.

Its best to have the mats laminated if you actually plan on using them...


Assalamu alaykum. Great club day today! I am going to try to start posting the weekly activities that I prepare to the blog so that we can refer back to them, in case anyone wants to re-do or reinforce. Hopefully it will also be a benefit to other homeschools who check our blog. A lot of us put a lot of work into our activities, so insha'Allah we can increase our reward by sharing it with others.

Below are clues created for an ANGEL SCAVENGER HUNT. These clues will have to be modified when used in any other setting, because they were made to fit a particular house and a particular group of kids. But most of them will work...
We used a special perfume that all the kids got to smell and put on at the end of the scavenger hunt as a "prize."
I think its best to present the activity as a cooperative effort instead of a competition. The kids work together to find the clues and share the prize at the end.
Questions and answers were adopted from the information presented in the book: "The World of the Noble Angels" by Omar Ashqar

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Homeschooling and Loving It" Book Review

assalamu alaykum sisters

A sister in our group recently gave out several copies of "Homeschooling and Loving It," written by Rebecca Kochenderfer. I was able to read it this past week, and I encourage other sisters to take a look at it when they get a chance.
Copies are still available at - I believe they are free but you need to pay for shipping.

Since most of us are homeschooling elementary-aged children, not all of the chapters and activities will apply because some of it is definitely targeted at parents homeschooling highschool aged children. I might plan on revisting them several years done the road...

The goal of each chapter is to help the homeschooling parent formulate and achieve goals that will make homeschooling more efficeint, effective and enjoyable. The first chapters actually focus on goal setting in and of itself, both for the long term and the short term. Later chapters discuss things like organization and time management. Each chapter includes suggestions and advice from other homeschoolers, and an activity to help you acheive the goal of that chapter.

I think many of the suggestions and activities are helpful, but only some will work for our unique situations. For example, the author encourages children to set semester long goals in different subjects... I dont think that will work for a five year old.

Of course, as Muslim parents, we formulate our goals and standards based on Qur'an and Sunnah. Alhamdulillah, we already know the major end goals of our homeschooling efforts. So we don't need to brainstorm and day dream about what we want our children to become... Still, I think the activities are helpful because its good to state these goals clearly and be specific. Yes, we want our children to be Mu'mineen... but how do we get there? Do you we our children to memorize the entire Qur'an? Do we want our children to love the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) more than they love themselves? Stating clear goals and making a plan to reach those goals will help us plan the smaller steps to get there insha'Allah.

Lastly, I believe we need to add a big dose of humbleness to this book for it to be an effective tool for us, insha'Allah. All guidance comes from Allah Most High, not from our efforts as homeschooling parents - no matter how hard we try or how much we do. And I don't agree that we should strive to support our kids in whatever desires or passions they may have at that time, and try to blow up their "Self esteem" as high as possible. Of course, its good to follow their interests, and create a passion for learning... but in the end, I want my daughter to have taqwa, to be humble, and to have restraint.

You will probably understand this last comment more as you read the book. I just noticed myself getting attracted to the dunya when I start to think about how I could help my daughter do anything she wants to do... become whatever she wants to become... try whatever she wants to try. And I had to stop myself and realize that while I love the flexibility of homeschooling, that attitude is extreme.

Hope this review helps in some way and has some benefit. Anything good I said was from Allah Most High and anything incorrect or bad was from me. May Allah protect our families, ameen.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Story Time – With Lessons from Qur’an and Sunnah

Story Time –
With Lessons from Qur’an and Sunnah
Dr. Seuss Books

(General reminder of the importance of having good morals)
The Prophet was asked: Which Muslim has the perfect faith ?” He answered: “He who has the best moral character.” (Tibrani)
Abdullah bin' Amar has reported: “I have heard the Prophet as saying: 'Should I not tell you who amongst you is the most likeable person to me, and who will be the nearest to me on the Day of the Judgment?' He repeated this question twice or thrice. The people requested him to tell them about such a person. He said 'He who amongst you has the best moral character.' “
Allah says: “By the soul, and the proportion and the order given to it; and its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right; truly he succeeds who purifies it, and he fails who corrupts it.”
-(Shams: 7-10)
Yertle the Turtle
Value address: Greed and Oppression
Relevant verses:
Allah Almighty says, "But as for him who is stingy and self-satisfied, and denies the Good, We will pave his way to Difficulty." (92:8-11)
“Truly man was created very impatient; fretful when evil touches him; and niggardly when good reaches him ; not so those devoted to prayer, those who remain steadfast to their prayer; and those in whose wealth is recognised right for ( the needy) who asks and him who is prevented ( for some reason from asking) ; and those who hold to the Truth of the Day of Judgment; and those who fear the displeasure of their Lord ,for the Lord's displeasure is the opposite of peace and tranquillity; and those who guard their chastity.”-( .41-Ma'arij.. 19-29)
Relevant ahadith:
Jabir reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Beware of injustice. Injustice will be darkness on the Day of Rising. Beware of avarice. Avarice destroyed those before you and prompted them to shed each other's blood and to make lawful what Allah had made unlawful for them."
“If the son of Adam is given a valley of gold, he will desire to have another one. And if the other is also given, he will be greedy to have the third one. The hunger of Adam's son will not be satisfied except when his remains are mixed with the dust. And the one who turns to Allah, Allah accepts his repentance.”( Bukhari )
Ka’ab ibn Maalik (Radhiallaahu Anhu) narrates from his father that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “Two hungry wolves sent to a flock of sheep is not more harmful (to the flock) than (a religious harm) to a person greedy for wealth and position.” (Mishkaat pg.441; Qadeemi)

The Big Brag
Relevant verses:
Allah (S.W.T.) told us the story of Iblees so that we may learn lessons from it, when he ordered him to prostrate to Adam and he rejected because of his Arrogance and Envy towards Adam, claiming that he is better than him. Allah said in surat Al-A’raaf, Verse (12), what can be translated as, "…I am better than him (Adam), you created me from fire, and you created him from clay."
Allah (S.W.T.) says in surat Luqman, (Verse 18), what can be translated as, "And do not turn your face away from men with arrogance, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah does not like each arrogant boaster."
the Almighty says, "Do not strut arrogantly about the earth." (17:37)
The Almighty says, "O mankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you might come to know each other. The noblest among you in Allah's sight is the most godfearing." (49:13)
Relevant ahadith:
'Iyad ibn Himar reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Allah Almighty has revealed to me that you should be humble in such a way that no one is either overbearing or boastful towards another person." [Muslim]
what is arrogance? The prophet (S.A.W.) defined it for us in an authentic hadith reported by Imams Muslim and At-Tirmithi, "One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his/her heart." a man then asked, "One may love his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good?!" The prophet replied, "Allah is beautiful and loves beauty, arrogance is: rejecting the truth and looking down on people."
the prophet (S.A.W.) said, "....And no one has humbled himself for the sake of Allah, but Allah has elevated him."
Gertrude McFuzz
Value addressed: Jealousy
Relevant verses:
"It is not wise covet those things in which Allah has bestowed His gifts more freely on some of you than on others, to men is allotted what they earn. And to women what they earn; but ask Allah of His bounty; for Allah has full knowledge of all things." (Nissa.. 32)
Relevant ahadith:
"Every Monday and Thursday men's acts are placed before Allah. On these days Allah forgives the sins of everybody, except the polytheists. However, if there is a person who has spite and rancor against his brother, He says about them: “Leave these two alone in their condition till they come to a settlement." (Muslim)
“In the night of the 15th of Sha'ban, Allah acquaints himself of the conditions of His slaves. So He forgives those who seek His pardon, bestows mercy on those seeking mercy, and leaves the spiteful people alone." (Baihaqui)
From Muslim Character: Islam has declared jealousy as haram (forbidden). Allah has commanded his Messenger to seek shelter from the mischief of jealous people, because jealousy is a spark that burns inside the bosom and hurts the jealous person as well as others.
"in the stomach of a man, the dust flying in the path of Allah and the flames of hell cannot be together, nor can the faith and jealousy dwell together in the stomach of a man," (Baihaqui)
In another tradition it is mentioned:
"Keep away from jealousy, for jealousy eats up virtues in the same way as fire eats up wood." (Abu Daud)
Allah's Messenger has said: "Excepting two things, in no other thing jealousy is permissible: One-it is permissible to be jealous of the man who has been given wealth by Allah and who is spending it in the cause of truth unhesitatingly, and second, that man whom Allah has blessed with wisdom, in whose light he takes decisions and imparts education in it to others."
“Spite and jealousy and the diseases which were created by them have been condemned by Islam, and they have developed and progressed because man is a prisoner of the world and the desires to achieve it, and the longing to enjoy the pleasures and luxuries of life to the utmost keep him in trouble.” – Muslim Character, al-Ghazali

Meeting Minutes: April 18, 2009

San Diego Muslim Homeschool Association
Meeting Minutes

Date: Saturday, April 18th
Time: At 10am
Sisters present: Serena, Umm Saliha, Farhat, Rebecca, Amelia

1. Introductions
We went around the circle and introduced ourselves, as well as the approach we were taking towards homeschooling our children.
In the group, there are sisters following Well-Trained Mind, Kinza, self-developed Islamic curriculum, and unstructured

2. Set goals for this group
Goals and needs that were expressed (grouped in general categories)
1. Learning and Support for Parents
a. Forum to learn about homeschooling (different approaches)
b. Share ideas for projects, books, ways to teach, etc.
c. Document activities for future use by group members and other homeschoolers
d. Organize mini-workshops to teach ourselves about different approaches and techniques for homeschooling
2. Educational and Social Opportunities for the kids
a. Use expertise within the parent group to educate children in special areas
b. Work together to plan educational play-date/sessions for children at least once a week
c. Organize educational field trips (starting monthly) for the group
d. Provide social learning opportunities for our children by planning other shared activities (such as park days, play dates, etc)
3. Outreach to local Muslim families
a. Be a resources for other Muslim families who are considering homeschooling

3. Group Accommodation.
After talking about our general needs and goals as a group, it became clear that we are all dedicated parents with very similar goals but different specific needs. For example:
-age differences in the children. It seems that most of the sisters have children in the same age range (3-6), but sister Rebecca needs to work her schedule and activities to accommodate her older son who is outside of this age group
-gender. Although the children are young, there will have to be accommodation for some minimal amount of gender separation in group activities. All moms seem to be comfortable having mixed activities, but in order to accommodate everyone, the girls and boys should be encouraged to sit groups (different sides of the table for example).
-structure. We had a great discussion about our educational goals, and how much structure should be planned for group activities and field trips. We agreed that too much structure may not fit all children in the group, and suggested that parents who want to add structure to activities can make individualized plans for their children (for example, on a zoo field trip, rather than deciding that all children would have to fill out a worksheet or focus on a certain animal group, mothers who wanted extra structure could plan accordingly for their child… that way, our activities can accommodate everyone and also work into our individual lesson plans)
4. Scheduling
We decided that we would like this group to organize bi-weekly educational sessions for the children, and monthly or bi-monthly field trips.
However, with our busy schedules, we decided to ease into things over the summer by starting with one weekly session.
The sessions will start in June and be held at Amelia’s house. They will happen every Thursday around 2pm. In the future, Rebecca’s house is available for a second session.
We discussed structuring the sessions around a monthly theme and organizing math, science and misc. activities around that theme. Of course, Islam, Qur’an and Hadith would be added in to all aspects.
We agreed that we need to have monthly meetings to plan our play dates and continue to work on scheduling and expanding to meet the above mentioned goals.

THE NEXT MEETING IS SET FOR MAY 16th at 10am. This will be a meeting specifically for planning to activities for the month of June.
Sister Rebecca will be responsible for initiating an online discussion to start circulating ideas about the weekly session so that we will be prepared for the meeting
C. PARK PLAY DATE. In addition, we discussed the park play date.
We decided to keep the location, although to keep in mind that in the future it might be appropriate to rotate location or establish a second day and location, depending on membership.
We also decided to keep the date (Monday), but mentioned that in the future it might make more sense to do it in the middle of the week since Monday is so close to the weekend.
We also decided to expand the hours to 1pm to 4pm, and mention in the web postings that people are welcome to come any time… so that people who can’t come until after 2pm will still join in, insha’Allah.

6. Resource Loan and Exchange Program
Tabled… didn’t have time to discuss it in detail. Rebecca mentioned that she would like to invite us to her house to see the resources she has acquired.

7. San Diego Homeschool Moms Blog

Serena already set up a great blog site. We didn’t have time to discuss how we can utilize it in detail.
Serena is responsible for initiating a web discussion about how to utilize the blog insha’Allah.

NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR: MAY 16th at 10:00 am - Sister Amelia's home, insha'Allah

Saturday, April 11, 2009

San Diego Muslim Homeschool MEETING

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah!

Alhamdulillah we were finally successful in confirming a date thanks to Sisters Amelia and Rebecca, Jazak'Allahu khairan!

Our meeting is scheduled for this coming Saturday:
April 17th
10:00am - 12:00pm
Sister Amelia's home in Mira Mesa

Address is only available through our Yahoo group and will not be provided here for security and privacy reasons.

Things to note:

Sisters, if you're able to have your husbands watch your children this would be best but children are welcome if not!

PLEASE BE ON TIME! This allows us all to dive right in and cover as much material as possible without having to stop/start and re-explain.

If you're unable to make it we'll post notes through our Yahoo group as well as here on the blog.

If you have suggestions for the meeting please post them!

Insha'Allah looking forward to a productive and beneficial meeting!


Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Bismillahi arRahmani arRaheem!

This blog is a supplemental resource to our wonderful San Diego Muslim Homeschool Association Yahoo group!

We can post ideas and resources here as well in order to benefit other Muslims homeschooling moms, insha'Allah!

This blog will also facilitate easier searching for specific ideas, topics, etc... which have been discussed in our group.

Things of importance to note:

This blog is intended only for Muslim moms/women who homeschool or desire to and wish to learn more about the what/when/how and why of homeschooling

Please note, however, the blog is currently set up for everyone to view. If there is abuse I will change the settings to invite only.

You do NOT have to have a blog to follow the blog. You may follow the blog PRIVATELY if you wish to do so. However, following the blog will allow you to post comments. Otherwise you will not be able to do so. Please note: ALL comments are moderated.

You do not have to be only from San Diego nor do you have to currently be homeschooling. If you're in San Diego please consider joining our Yahoo group by clicking here!

Insha'Allah this blog will prove to be a valuable resource.