Monday, October 5, 2009

"Homeschooling and Loving It" Book Review

assalamu alaykum sisters

A sister in our group recently gave out several copies of "Homeschooling and Loving It," written by Rebecca Kochenderfer. I was able to read it this past week, and I encourage other sisters to take a look at it when they get a chance.
Copies are still available at - I believe they are free but you need to pay for shipping.

Since most of us are homeschooling elementary-aged children, not all of the chapters and activities will apply because some of it is definitely targeted at parents homeschooling highschool aged children. I might plan on revisting them several years done the road...

The goal of each chapter is to help the homeschooling parent formulate and achieve goals that will make homeschooling more efficeint, effective and enjoyable. The first chapters actually focus on goal setting in and of itself, both for the long term and the short term. Later chapters discuss things like organization and time management. Each chapter includes suggestions and advice from other homeschoolers, and an activity to help you acheive the goal of that chapter.

I think many of the suggestions and activities are helpful, but only some will work for our unique situations. For example, the author encourages children to set semester long goals in different subjects... I dont think that will work for a five year old.

Of course, as Muslim parents, we formulate our goals and standards based on Qur'an and Sunnah. Alhamdulillah, we already know the major end goals of our homeschooling efforts. So we don't need to brainstorm and day dream about what we want our children to become... Still, I think the activities are helpful because its good to state these goals clearly and be specific. Yes, we want our children to be Mu'mineen... but how do we get there? Do you we our children to memorize the entire Qur'an? Do we want our children to love the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) more than they love themselves? Stating clear goals and making a plan to reach those goals will help us plan the smaller steps to get there insha'Allah.

Lastly, I believe we need to add a big dose of humbleness to this book for it to be an effective tool for us, insha'Allah. All guidance comes from Allah Most High, not from our efforts as homeschooling parents - no matter how hard we try or how much we do. And I don't agree that we should strive to support our kids in whatever desires or passions they may have at that time, and try to blow up their "Self esteem" as high as possible. Of course, its good to follow their interests, and create a passion for learning... but in the end, I want my daughter to have taqwa, to be humble, and to have restraint.

You will probably understand this last comment more as you read the book. I just noticed myself getting attracted to the dunya when I start to think about how I could help my daughter do anything she wants to do... become whatever she wants to become... try whatever she wants to try. And I had to stop myself and realize that while I love the flexibility of homeschooling, that attitude is extreme.

Hope this review helps in some way and has some benefit. Anything good I said was from Allah Most High and anything incorrect or bad was from me. May Allah protect our families, ameen.

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