Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jinn Scavenger Hunt

Here are the questions for an educational scavenger hunt to help children learn about the Jinn. We did this game as part of learning about creation month. It was a sequel to the Angels scavenger hunt already posted below. The questions are posted in the comments (Still don't know how to cut and paste into the real blog - sorry)


  1. Jinn Scavenger Hunt
    1. The Jinn were created before humans.
    Allah said in the Qur’an: “And the jinn we did create aforetime of essential fire”
    And the messenger of Allah said: “The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from smokeless flame of fire, and Adam was created from what has been described to you.” Where can you find a smokeless fire in this house?

    2. Jinn can see us, but we can not see them. Allah told us in the Qur’an: “Lo! He sees you, he and his tribe, from whence you see him not”
    Where do we go to see ourselves?

    3. Jinn are of different types…, remember these names.
    The name for their type of creation is Jinn.
    The jinn who live among mankind/humans are called Aamar
    Jinn who bother and harm the young are called arwah
    Jinn who are devils (evil and try to do harmful things to people) are called shaytan/shayateen
    Jinn who are strong and cause even more harm are called afreet

    Whoever can name three of the four names and say what they mean will get the next clue

    4. Iblees, aka Shaytan or Satan, is one of the jinn. Allah told us in the Qur’an, in the story of Adam (as) that all the angels prostrated to Adam “Except Iblees and he was of the jinn.”
    He will be punished in Jahannam, the fire of Allah, for his disobedience to Allah.
    Look for a place in the house where fire burns

    5. The Prophet (Saw) said, do not clean yourselves (meaning after using the bathroom) with dung or with bones for they are food for your brothers from the jinn”
    Where do humans store food that has bones in it?

    6. The Prophet (Saw) said: Whoever eats with his left hand, Satan eats with him. And whoever drinks with his left hand, Satan drinks with him.”
    He also told us that whoever eats standing up, Satan eats with him.
    Where do we sit to eat in this house?

    7. The Prophet also told us: “If the man enters his house and mentions the name of Allah upon entering it, and upon eating therein, Satan says “there is no lodging for you here and no meal for you here”
    So to keep Satan out of our houses, we should remember to mention the name of Allah where?

    8. Our knowledge about the jinn is limited. We do know that they marry and have children, and we know that they die (as all things will die except Allah Most High). We don’t know much about what they look like, but we do know that the shayateen are ugly.
    Allah says in the Qur’an “Is it better as a welcome, or the tree of Zaqqum? Lo! We have appointed it a tormet for wrong doers. Lo it is a tree that springs in the heart of hell. Its crop is as it were the heads of the devils.”
    And we also know that Iblees himself has two horns.
    “If the sun is setting then leave the prayer until it disappears. And do no wait for our prayer until the sun is rising, nor while it is setting. For verily is sets and rises between the horns of shaytan.”

    Go to where you can see the sun rising

  2. More questions....

    9. Story of Solomon – Jinn told Solomon : "I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you"
    We know that jinn have some powers that humans do not have and they are faster than humans
    The fastest to travel to (this room) will find the next clue under the pillow

    10. Jinn can take other shapes. They can appear to us in the form of humans, snakes, camels, donkeys, cows, dogs or cats. Next clue is where one of these animals eats

    11. The Mission of shaytan is to lead humans astray
    “He said – My Lord, because you have sent me astray, I will surely adorn the path of error from them in the earth, and shall mislead them, every one, except those who are your perfectly devoted slaves”
    Devoted slaves of Allah do this at least five times a day. If you go get a space ready to pray, you will find the next clue

    12. Every person has a partner from the jinn. Hadith:
    “There is none of you who does not have his partner from the jinn” The people asked, even you Oh messenger of Allah? And he said, “even me, but Allah has helped me against him, and therefore, he only commands me to do good.”
    And we know that every person also has an angel who stays near them and encourages him to do good.
    There is a du’a you can say in the morning to keep the jinn away and keep the angel with you.
    Find the next clue where I might say this du’a before I go to sleep.

    13. Jinn were created for the same reason that humans were created. Allah told us: “I created the Jinn and Humankind only that they worship me.”

    Are all of the jinn bad?

    Allah says about the jinn who listened to the Qur’an:
    “And among us are righteous folks and among us there are some who are far from that. We are sects having differences.”
    The bad jinn, the ones who choose to disobey Allah and follow Iblees, they try to harm humans.

    Should we be scared of the jinn?

    How do we stay safe from them?

    Many of our scholars have told us that du’a is the fortress of the Muslim. Sincere daily du’as protect us from the shayateen and from the evil of other created things.
    We know that if we say du’a when we enter our homes...
    If we say du’a when we eat and drink….
    If we say du’a in the morning…
    If we say du’a in the evening…
    Also, if we say du’a when we leave our homes…when we are angry… when we enter the bathroom…when we read Qur’an…

    The best way to gain Allah’s protection is to:
    1) Be His obedient slave – because Allah told us that Shaytan can not harm His believing slaves
    2) Learn about shaytan and the jinn, so we can use our knowledge to defeat them
    3) Learn and say our daily du’a sincerely and trust that Allah will protect us


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